Published prices include IVA (Mexican tax) and are in US dollars. The payment is the equivalent in Mexican pesos, according to the exchange rate published in the Diario Oficial de la Federación of the day on which the payment is made.
Artezan Rugs accepts the following payment types:
I. CASH: Payment in bank Banregio, account number 100008150014, Artezan Decor SAPI de CV. Note: for security, no cash payments are received at the store.
II. CHECK: (domestic check in Mexican pesos)
+ Pay to the order of Artezan Decor, SAPI de CV
+ Payment in the bank (bank Banregio, account number 100008150014)
+ Bank: Banregio
+ Name: Artezan Decor, SAPI de CV
+ CLABE: 058580000001697968
V. VISA OR MASTERCARD: Payment by card issued by any bank in Mexico.
VII. OPENPAY - WEBSITE: For purchases under $100,000 MXN (3D Secure) The payment is in Mexican pesos, according to the exchange rate prevailing in Open Pay.
Several options of payments without interests are available with participating cards (Santander, BBVA, HSBC, Banco Azteca, Scotiabank, Inbursa, IXE), for more information please contact our store sales advisors.
The payment must be made for the total price of the rug. Partial payments are not accepted as a way of putting a layaway on the merchandise.
* 3D Secure is a payer authentication system, the customer needs to authenticate themselves to the issuing bank by entering the password or a one time PIN sent to the email or cellphone number linked to the bank account. Not all cards are currently participating in the program. Therefore, for some users, it is not possible to complete the purchase with this system. If this is the case, please contact us at +52 (81) 2718 5200/5222.
To give you a better service, in case you require an invoice, please notify our sales advisors before making the payment. You can go directly to the store or contact us at +52 (81) 2718 5200/5222 or write to our email, info@artezanrugs.com. You will be asked the following information: Business name, R.F.C., address, use of invoice and email. Once having the fiscal data and having confirmed and validated the payment, the invoice will be sent within a period of less than 5 business days. Invoices will only be issued during the month in which the payment is made.
Once the merchandise is received, exchanges or returns will be accepted only if it is on weave defects and/or material. The liability is limited to repair or actual replacement only. To make an exchange or return, it is necessary to present the rug in the store along with the original invoice or purchase ticket to proceed with its revision. If Artezan Rugs supervisors determine to proceed with the replacement of the rug, a certificate (valid for one month) will be given with the same price value, which can be exchanged for another rug of your choice that is in stock with an equal or higher price; in case of choosing a rug with a higher price, it is necessary to pay the difference. Under no circumstances may money be refunded.
Defects caused to the merchandise due to misuse by the customer or situations that occur over time, will not be subject to exchange or returns. For more information, please consider the terms and conditions of the warranty that Artezan Rugs offers its customers.